Juli 282008

Nicht vorenthalten möchte ich Euch zu unserem Society-Sommerthema „Flirt und Fun im Fitness-Studio“ die Stellungnahme Obamas zu dem Geschehen im Ritz-Carlton:

Op-Ed Columnist – Stalking, Sniffing, Swooning – Op-Ed – NYTimes.com
In Berlin, the tabloid Bild sent an attractive blonde reporter to stalk Obama at the Ritz-Carlton gym as he exercised with his body man, Reggie Love. She then wrote a tell-all, enthusing, “I’m getting hot, and not from the workout,” and concluding, “What a man.”

Obama marveled: “I’m just realizing what I’ve got to become accustomed to. The fact that I was played like that at the gym. Do you remember ‘The Color of Money’ with Paul Newman? And Forest Whitaker is sort of sitting there, acting like he doesn’t know how to play pool. And then he hustles the hustler. She hustled us. We walk into the gym. She’s already on the treadmill. She looks like just an ordinary German girl. She smiles and sort of waves, shyly, but doesn’t go out of her way to say anything. As I’m walking out, she says: ‘Oh, can I have a picture? I’m a big fan.’ Reggie takes the picture.”

I ask him if he found it a bit creepy that she described his T-shirt as smelling like “fabric softener with spring scent.”

He looked nonplused: “Did she describe what my T-shirt smelled like?”

Being a Citizen of the World has its downsides.

Befund: Obama fühlt sich durch die Bildreporterin übers Ohr gehauen. Dem mag schon so sein. Aber es nützt nichts. Der echte Gentleman schweigt.

Medienschelte durch einen Politiker, der gewählt werden will? Wir raten davon ab! Abhaken, tiefer hängen ist angesagt. Auf jeden Workout  folgt ein … cool down.

 Posted by at 14:36

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